Managing Anger by Seeking Allah’s Help and by following the Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah! All of us feel angry sometimes. Anger is a natural response to a perceived threat. In this presentation, we will discuss feeling angry. We will explain what to say and do when we feel angry. These teachings were imparted to us by Prophet Muhammad (saw).
What makes us angry? We feel angry when someone hurts us, or when we are treated unfairly, and for so many other reasons. What makes you angry? Watch this video. It explores other reasons why we feel angry. Learn what to say and do when we feel angry.
What should we say when we feel angry? When we feel angry, we must first seek Allah’s (swt) help by saying, A’udhu billahi minash-shaytaan-ir-rajeem. The Prophet (saw) advised us to seek refuge in Allah (swt) from Shaytaan whenever we feel angry.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has said, after seeing two people angry at one another: “I know a word which, if he were to say it, what he feels would go away; he needs to say:
اَعُوْذُ بِاللّٰہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْمِ
A’udhu billahi minash-shaytaan-ir-rajeem.
I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed devil.
and all his anger would go away.”
(Sahih Bukhaari: Volume 6, 337)

Uncontrolled anger burns fiercely inside us and blinds us from seeing the truth. It also prevents us from behaving in a rational manner.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has said:
“Anger is a smouldering ember that is kindled by Satan.”
(Biharul Anwar: Volume 73, Page 265)
Remember, the Prophet (saw) has said. A strong person is not the one who wins over another while wrestling. It is not someone who wins while fighting. The strong person is one who can control his or her anger. So, stay in control when angry by saying A’udhu billahi minash-shaytaan-ir-rajeem.

Find out how to manage other feelings:
✓ a du’a to seek Allah’s help
✓ a sunnah to practice